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Faith Groups meet once per month. These groups are informal and include different formats and special interests.  It's a great way to meet new people, and grow in faith together.  New groups are always starting, so sign up today. Below is a list of our current groups along with details of when and where they meet each month. Simply click on one of the images to sign up for one or multiple Faith Groups.

Gary Durham


2nd Saturday @ 8:15am

In addition to their faith in Christ, these men love two things, to eat and eat early! This group meets at the Nashville Diner, early on Saturday mornings for a time of fellowship and full stomachs.

Will & Kristin Causeway


3rd Friday @ 6:30pm

These adults enjoy a time to hang out, build relationships and encourage each other in their walk with Christ. They meet at Will & Kristin Causeway's home on the 3rd Friday of each month.

Vanessa Pierce


3rd Sunday @ 6:00pm

This group meets in the sanctuary each month for a time of intense intercessory prayer. We focus on needs within the congregation and community, as well as lifting our nations needs up in prayer.

Martha Davis


2nd Tuesday @ 11:00am

Our senior women meet monthly for a morning Bible Study and time of fellowship. This is also a great time for encouragement and support. This group helps to send care cards to people who are going through a difficult season.

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